Friday, January 20, 2012

What is an Email Reverse Lookup ?

What is an email reverse lookup and what is it used for?

Does it strictly provide who owns that email address. Surely privacy isnt invaded.What is an Email Reverse Lookup ?
Do you mean "Reverse DNS Lookup?"

In regards to e-mail, you can look at the e-mail headers and find out where the e-mail originated whether the e-mail was sent out legitimately or by some spam-bot working on some zombie computer.

If you mean "Reverse DNS Lookup", it's a way of finding the hostname or host associated with a given IP address or host address.

Typically, the DNS is used to determine what IP address is associated with a given hostname; so, to reverse resolve a known IP address is to lookup what the associated hostname is belonging to that IP address.

A reverse lookup is often referred to as reverse resolving, or more specifically reverse DNS lookup, and is accomplished using a "reverse IN-ADDR entry" in the form of a PTR recordWhat is an Email Reverse Lookup ?

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