Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I prayed and got this error message. Can you explain?

Error 404 occurred

Not Found !

The requested document or URL could not be found on this server. These are possible reasons that you received the error message:

The host you are trying to contact may not exist.

The host does exist, but the file you are asking for doesn't.

The host does exist, but only as an alias (or additional A record) for another host. Try examining the reverse DNS for the host you are trying to reach, and if the reverse lookup yields a different host name, try that one instead.

The host does exist, but you are trying to refer to it by IP address rather than host name. Use the host name instead of the IP addressI prayed and got this error message. Can you explain?
Heck, that's more of an answer to prayer than anyone else has ever gotten! Maybe you're hot on God's trail!
Thanks for the one I had all day.I prayed and got this error message. Can you explain?
wrong god??I prayed and got this error message. Can you explain?
2 easy points.
Before God will hear any of your prayers, you need to say the sinner's prayer.
thanks for the points!
I love guys with mustaches, they are so hot, they make me moist
LOL!!! That is funny. You should have prayed to the Internet gods. :)
Not funny
Apparently you were praying for some sort of talent, any sort of talent, a hint of cleverness, a modicum of wit.
You prayed the wrong prayer.

Try: DNS.IP.Host.403
Funny! Wrong God, stop praying to the computer.

And here I am sitting in front of it giving it more attention then God. Oops!

you prayed and think a message came from god??

what did u pray for??

god is real, by faith i know this.

but thats all i know..
God's server is down ???!!!

Does that mean we ceased to exist and God had to reboot the universe to get us back up and running?

And to think I slept through it.

Nuts! I always miss the good stuff.
sorry but i deffinatly think you forgot who your real god is
Oh, it's easy enough to explain. You just don't understand How prayers are answered. What did you expect, an invitation to visit? Sadly, because of the mockery of your attitude, you are being told about your future. We are here to live by faith alone. Not only are you sorely lacking but you mock the very idea. Figure the rest out for yourself.
uh have u thought that maybe the person you were praying to didnt exist? lmao
Way to go Mojo! You are showing your previous atheist friends that unless they truly want to come to God in a meaningful manner and not in spite or to try and test him, He will not hear them. And why should He when they don't believe anyway. You are doing it Mojo. In your own way you are leading others to the Lord. I am proud of you!鈥?/a>

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