When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was already withdrawn. The thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text 'hubby' in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within 20 minutes he had withdrawn all the money from their bank account.
Also, when you're being text by friends or family to meet them somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message came from them. If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet 'family and friends' who text you.
Along with that if you have an entry called 'Home' with your actual home phone number it's not too hard to do a reverse lookup on the number to find the address. Now the robber has your home number, keys, AND address.
PLEASE PASS THIS ON! I never thought about THAT!What are your thoughts after reading this?
That would be a rightful pain in the bum wouldn't it.
I never really thought about it. I used to always forget my Pin, and ring Andrew. Takes me forever to text, so I rarely do it.
I don't have our house number in our Mobiles though. Although Andrew is under Spunky Hunky - Do you think they will figure that out?
Good Post though, makes one think
Wow...that is very unfortunate.What are your thoughts after reading this?
how clever
thanks for the warning, i have to start doing thatWhat are your thoughts after reading this?
That really sucks. =[
Thanks for the advice; I'll pass the story on.
lots of good ideas.
but ... you can't withdraw ALL the money with just a pin.
Thats sad...Thank GOD my cell phone is locked...no one can get in it without a pass code...
Great info
Very good advice. And it's fine to put it in parenting. Most of us have either given our kids cell phones or will do so in the future, so it's a good thing for parents to be reminded of.
I never gave it much thought in the past but I got this in an email a few times %26amp; because of it I changed how I list my contacts, I actually use code names that only me alone would know.
Wow, very interesting!! I list everyone by name, not status. I also don't do a home phone, I have a cell phone and the bill goes to my po box. Even if they reverse lookup, they aren't getting where I live.
Good tip!
wow i never thought of that
good tip. im going to go change it all right now
I only have cell phones, no home phone, so I don't list my contacts this way anyway, but I never thought of that! I will pass it on!
Good advice, thank you!
Great advice! I am going to switch some things around tonight.
~~You make very valid points here...things I never gave a second thought too...but I will now...especially since just last week I sent my oldest daughter to the store with my Visa Debit/Credit Card...she forgot the PIN # and texted me for it...without giving it a thought I texted back the PIN #...never thinking her purse COULD have been stolen with her phone and My Card in it....Thanks Again~~
Scary! I think it's a good warning.
Mann that suck!! Everyone who texts me have like their own unique way of texting.. I can always tell who it is by how they word things... My fiance hates texting but i know he would never text ne thing important like a bank pin even if i asked in txt... He knows I hardly like saying important pass codes like that outloud.. So i would never want it on text lol. My phones pretty complex as far as the phone book goes lol.. I have like 2 home numbers (ones inactive just havent taken the time to delete it lol) I basically had doubles of a few ppls number lol. but yeah stuff like that does happen.. I work in a restaurant and this guy left his phone on the counter and we took it in back and the next day he still didnt come for it.. The manager Ok'ed me to call what was saved as "home" in the phone.. and i did and he answered and was so HAPPY we called... I know thats the opposite of the story but it just shows how its so easy to a lot of info just outta a cell phone!
I honestly think that's overdoing it a little.
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