Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reverse Cell Phone Lookup?

Can I get a name and address from a cell phone number using a reverse cell phone lookup?Reverse Cell Phone Lookup?
Reverse cell phone lookup services are a great way to find information from phone (land line) or cell phone numbers. At you can get a name and address from any number by typing it into their system.Reverse Cell Phone Lookup?
I am a licensed private investigator in Florida and I usually use the following trick before paying for a database search. I also have a link to a up-to-date reverse phone search database that anyone can use if you don't want to try this trick...

Remember, you promised not to tell anyone I let you in on this little “investigative technique”. It goes like this: Once you get the subscriber’s name and address, call the number from a payphone or from a phone other than your own. Make sure you dial *67 before you dial the number. This will disable the phone you are calling caller ID feature.

When the person you’re calling answers, say “Hello I am calling from (pick a local pizza place that delivers) and ask if they would like a coupon for a free pizza if they answer three quick questions. Most people will not turn down a free pizza. I wouldn’t.

Ask them if they have ever ordered pizza from “us” within the last three months using the number you called. Then ask them how many times per month they order. Your final question, and this is important, what is your favorite pizza topping. Actually you won’t really care because you’re not really going to send them a coupon.

Before you hang up make sure you ask them for the name and address so you can “rush” their coupon right out to them. Bingo! You just verified that the information you obtained from your reverse phone number look is correct and up to date. Pretty easy, don’t you agree?

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